Saturday, December 24, 2011

Decisions, Decisions...

Before I left Minnesota in August I thought to myself "Self, it'd be great if you knew soonish if you were going to stay in Bolivia for more than a year. And it'd be great if you knew that information before Christmas. And then you could blog about it when the time comes and post it on Facebook around Christmas time". Good thing that decision was soooooo far in the distance. Oh... wait... it's here!

My mom has forever told me to not give myself false deadlines. I do it all the time. But I know I'm a procrastinator so I kind of have to. This is one of those false deadlines that I followed through with. Because...


For those of you who have kept up with my blog or my FB posts since I got here, you probably noticed a trend in that I LOVE IT HERE. I have such a love for my students, I respect my admin so much, the country and its people have grown on my big time and I have a sense of purpose and peace here. That last part is such a difference from the feeling of despondence and uselessness that I felt my last year in Minnesota. 

To answer some of the questions I've received from others when I told them the news:
1 - I will still be coming home in the summer! I have about 7-8 weeks to drink in the humidity, lakes, people and Starbucks in my home state
2 - I don't know if there will be another year after these two. It's possible, but I might be done and ready to come home after two.
3 - This was not an easy decision to make, believe-you-me! I am still struggling with the same emotions I did before I left (excitement, sadness, overwhelmedness, peacefulness) along with a new one "How long is God going to keep me here??" The name of my blog (Bolivia Bound Bex) has a new meaning these days - I'm bound in this country! 

I would adore your prayers. There's a lot of things to put into account for a second year, along with raising more support and the emotions mentioned in #3. 

Thanks for sharing my news with me. Encouragement is appreciated! And any feedback is welcomed. 

FELIZ NAVIDAD, y'all! :) 


  1. Without knowing all the details, I think you made a sound decision. God will use you more effectively as you become more acculturated. Enjoy His blessings at this season and in the New Year.

  2. Thrilled for you! You have such a wonderful ministry and I know your gifts are being used to the fullest. Blessings my friend and congratulations on the decision. Ps I'm all about self imposed deadlines too. ;) merry Christmas dear....may it be extra special! Janelle

  3. I am very excited for you and will continue to pray for God peace to overwhelm you! you are an encouragement to us and we pray for you often!

  4. We are so thankful God has led you to stay for at least one more year...We are blessed to have you here. What a blessing you are to so many...excited to see what all the LORD has planned for you. Our God is an awesome God!

  5. How exciting! I'll be praying for you, Becca!

  6. Of course the Lamont's have known about this a bit earlier, but seeing this posting makes it official---it is now public! We are so thrilled about the way God has used you and will use you in the second tour! Hurry home so you can hurry back to the job--correction--che calling you have been "bound" to. We love you dearly and are just overwhelmed at the Providential oversight of this whole thing!! Merry Christmas!!! PS, when home, hope you can cast a vote, or get a ballot for the 2012 De-thronement. Love, dad

  7. Becca, this makes TOTAL sense. A school year is really too short, not only to make a lasting impact, but to be lastingly impacted. We all love and miss you, but believe God's purposes are being fulfilled thru you there in Bolivia. Let's have coffee this summer when you are back home in Minne-no-snow-tah. Love you and love keeping up with you on Facebook. Merry Christmas!

  8. Becca, very exciting to follow you the past year and to see how God's been moving in you---then here, now there. This decision definitely makes sense in terms of the "peace" you feel. A good sign you're in His will. Love you and pray for you. ~Annie

  9. Those lucky Bolivians! " all your ways acknowledge Him & he will direct your path." Love ya & won't stop praying, Grace
